Chairman’s Message
Navyabharathi Global School aims to provide a quality education that is not only relevant to children’s lives today but will also prepare them for the future in an ever – changing world. We set high standards across all the aspects of school life and have high expectation of our children. As an International School, we encourage our
children to take an interest in all the communities and cultures whilst actively promoting each child’s independence, self-respect and self-motivation.
While our school adheres to frame academic framework, no effort is spared to instill in the child a solid foundation of inner resources and to develop in each pupil a wide range of interests such that, irrespective of their academic achievement, each and every child may take his/her rightful place in today’s society.
Our School has friendly and homely environment and it will be easy for your wards to make friendship with their peers and their teachers. I am sure that you will be happy with your child’s education in our School.
Looking forward to meet you,
Managing Director.