Navyabharathi Global School, we believe that effective communication between parents and teachers is essential for the overall development of the students. Therefore, we have developed a Parents Teacher Meeting (PTM) policy that encourages regular interaction between parents and teachers.

Frequency of PTMs: We arrange PTMs after every examination, including four Formative and two Summative examinations. This structure is designed to provide regular updates to parents about their child’s academic progress.

Meeting format: In these PTMs, parents can meet all the subject teachers and discuss their child’s progress in each subject. The teachers provide feedback on the child’s strengths and areas of improvement. Parents can also share their observations and concerns regarding their child’s academic and personal development. These discussions will help us create a more collaborative learning environment and ensure that the child receives the best possible education.

Further discussions: If parents need to discuss any issues in detail, they can fix an appointment with the management, academic heads, or principal. This provision is in place to ensure that the parents’ concerns are heard and addressed promptly.

In conclusion, our PTM policy at Navyabharathi Global School is designed to encourage regular communication between parents and teachers. We believe that these interactions will help us create a more collaborative learning environment and ensure that the child receives the best possible education. We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and stimulating learning environment that fosters the holistic development of our students.

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